Senin, 07 April 2008


" Alone aja dhek Lia? Which/Such Masnya?", a question sudden surprise the me which in search of slipper come home the study interpret Qur'An in my Mosque komplek housing is this evening. Seemingly Mbak Artha neighbour one block which omit do not far from my house. He/She diligent come to ceremony taklim in this komplek even she is of first person which I recognize here, Mbak Artha also which publicize me with the special ceremony taklim of this mother in komplek . is Just only our workdload each making us seldom bertemu,hanya one week once moment ngaji of like this or moment there is event in mosque. Probably because both of the same emigrant of Java origin, we become chummy quicker.
" Coincidence of Mas Adi [is] on duty go out the town mbak, Become the Me go [by] xself", my reply at the same time hence slipper which just now I find among other heap slipers. " cushy yes dhek can come to aji jointly husband, sometime mbak eager acompany of Mas Bimo attend the ceremony taklim", visible face Mbak Artha a few/little changing like one who disappointed. start to motivated to tell a story, possible more precisely [release] the she griping. In fact I am a few/little risih also because all that Mbak Artha narrate concerning life she househould with Mas Bimo.. But no problem is listen only, ripe of people will curhat prohibited, just hopefully I can pluck the Iesson from what said by Mbak Artha to me. I and Mas Adi marry not yet even one year, newly 10 month;moon, become have to a lot of learning from other;dissimilar couple experience taste the sweet acid of nuptials of is inclusive of Mbak Artha which according to him have married by Mas Bimo almost 6 duration year.
" Dhek Lia, not in a hurry kan? our no Objection unles fiddle faddle first", sudden mbak Artha startle me" No problem mbak, my coincidence also again free nih, our lagian kan [is] old dah nope fiddle faddle",", my reply at the same time [go] to one of bench [in] page;yard TPA which still one komplek with Mosque.
By ear which coherent slow but mbak Artha start to tell a story. About its domesticity passed by almost 6 year with Mas Bimo which old smakin more and more insipid and loss instruct.
" I and mas Bimo recognize since kuliah even experience the process pacaran [of] during almost 3 year [of] before setting mind on to marry. We both of the same coming from run of the mill family in the case of religion", mbak Artha start to say. " Even, may be spelled out members [by] very diffuse. We also [do] not the inclusive of student which agamis. Ianguage associate with the nya, we [is] student associate with, but enough have achievement. Even though we try can might not leave the sholat. Its nucleus;core [is] religious service which [is] obliged to surely we run, yes possible simply [be] killed obligation of saja.Mas Bimo one who are patient, congeniality,, can educate and all important [is] he/she love I, Process the pacaran which we experience to start indisposed, a lot of whisper syetan aiming to adultery deed. there is no alternative, I and mas Bimo have to immediately marry because that lust motivation [is] big so. because reason [of] this is finally I accept the invitation of mas Bimo to marry".
" Mbak [do] not request the guide from Alloh [of] [through/ passing] shalat istikharah?", ask the ku penasaran. " That'S dhek, possible I this slave which bigheaded,untuk business like marrying this I [is] not at all entangle the Alloh. Become if (it) is true finally become like this that all (it) is true effect [of] my deed [by] xself"
" it[him] science [of] about nuptials and target marry the new menggapai sakinah and mawaddah [is] I realize after diligent follow the study for the meng of upgrade the x'self. As downright as I confess, [is] not at all there [is] kreteria of moment religion chosen the mas Bimo first. important [of] mas Bimo one who baik,mapan , patient and very loving [is] I. Religion problem, that important run the sholat and fast have enough. Anyway wait can be learned together that think the ku first. My Lagian [is] kan also non akhwat dhek, I Merely ordinary woman, [which/such] possible install the goals to get the ikhwan or men which is the understanding of its religion [is] good", say mbak Artha [is] at the same time gived a smile [by] getir.

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